Human rights policy

Caberg is not only committed to ensuring the highest product quality, but also practice and firmly embed business activities that it is responsible for humans.

That being the premise, Caberg declares to respect the human rights in terms of strict prohibition of child and forced labor, any form of discrimination, violence or harassment.

In particular, Caberg does not tolerate child labor and any form of exploitation of children and young persons below the minimum age of completion of compulsory schooling as defined by law.

Caberg treats all workers equally with respect and dignity both in the recruitment process and throughout the employment relationship. Any form of discrimination, violence or harassment is prohibited. The following principles apply:

  • Discrimination: any discrimination, i.e. distinction, exclusion or preference based on race, skin color, gender, age, religious beliefs, political opinions, membership in trade unions or other legitimated workers’ organizations, physical or mental disability, ethnic or social background, nationality, sexual orientation or other personal attributes, is prohibited
  • violence and harassment: no form of physical or psychological violence, harassment and inhumane or degrading treatment at the workplace is tolerated.

Caberg also declares that the company is compliant with minimum wage legislation (and with standards or agreements based on collective bargaining) and that it ensures:

  • fair remuneration
  • occupational health, safety and hygienic regulations complying with the legislation in force,
  • the right of freedom of association and collective bargaining
  • special consideration of vulnerable stakeholder groups.

Caberg further declares that the company respects all the laws and standards in force in Italy as regards human rights and labor, also as regards decent working hours that comply with the industry standards and documented employment relationship. In general, workers must not work more than 60 hours per week. Workers have the right to resting breaks on working days and the right to at least one day off per week, as well as the statutory minimum vacation.

Any form of forced labor or human trafficking is prohibited.

To be able to ensure the implementation of this Policy throughout the supply chain, Caberg requests its direct business partners to take appropriate measures to ensure that they comply with it.

Violations of this policy can be reported to Caberg at any time, including in anonymous form. No sanctions or disadvantage have to be imposed on the reporting person.

All recipients of this Policy, the Board of Directors, employees and suppliers are responsible, each to the extent of their competence, for compliance with this Policy and are aware of the fact that in the event of an ascertained violation, corrective as well as disciplinary actions will be applied.

Chief Executive Officer
Virginia Capelli

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Enjoy your ride.

Enjoy your ride.